About Us

“My goal is to become one of the greatest businesswomen. Participating in the SheEO MAP will equip me with essential financial literacy skills, helping me achieve that ambition.”


`{`Christine`}`Business Owner - `{`Detergents & Cleaning Services Business`}`

“Partnering with the SheEO Foundation will be a transformative experience. Through the SheEO MAP, our beneficiaries will gain invaluable financial literacy skills, business mentorship, and access to microloans. This collaboration will empower them to take control of their economic futures and build sustainable businesses. We are proud to work alongside SheEO to drive meaningful change in our community.”


`{`Hisani`}`Founder - `{`Charitable Organization dedicated to supporting Teen Mothers`}`

“Partnering with the SheEO Foundation will be a dream come true for us. This will enable us to economically empower women and youth while helping to  scale SheEO impact in the Coastal Region.”


`{`Mizizi`}`Leader - `{`Community Org dedicated to support Mothers caring for children with a disability`}`

“My fellow group members and I are looking forward to business mentorship and learning how to manage our group savings.”

`{`Muungano Self Help Group`}`

`{`Muungano Self Help Group`}`Leader - `{`Registered VSLA - Migori, Kenya`}`

“Hi Lindah, I just came across your blog, we’re in the same whatsapp group and I just needed to let you know that it is very insightful and inspiring to read and the work you’ve been doing is super amazing.”

`{`An individual testimonial`}`

`{`An individual testimonial`}`A Follower - `{`SheEO Works`}`